قائمة الجرد المخزون عملية الجرد - traducción al Inglés
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قائمة الجرد المخزون عملية الجرد - traducción al Inglés

Operation Badr (Yom Kippur War); عملية بدر; Amaliyat Badr; Plan Badr; خطة بدر; Khitat Badr; Crossing of the Suez
  • Egyptian soldiers pose in front of a captured Israeli Magach 3 (M48) tank
  • Egyptian soldiers on the east bank. Notice the carts. Pulled by two men, these transports greatly assisted in the movement of weapons and matériel on the east bank, while no vehicles had yet crossed.
  • Lt. Gen. Saad El Shazly was responsible for planning a crossing offensive

n. قائمة الجرد, موجودات مخزون, جرد السلع, جرد, عملية الجرد
قائمة الجرد المخزون عملية الجرد      

inventory (N)

Distressed inventory; Merchandise to resell; Stock in trade; Inventory Management; Business inventory; Death inventory; Inventories; Cycle stocks; Virtual inventory; Buffer stocks


قائمة الجرد; موجودات مخزون; جرد السلع; جرد; عملية الجرد




Operation Badr (1973)

Operation Badr (Arabic: عملية بدر; ʻAmaliyat Badr) or Plan Badr (خطة بدر; Khitat Badr) was the code name for the Egyptian military operation to cross the Suez Canal and seize the Bar Lev Line of Israeli fortifications on 6 October 1973. Launched in conjunction with a Syrian assault on the Golan Heights, this attack marked the start of the Yom Kippur War.

Operation Badr was preceded by training exercises starting in 1968, operational planning from 1971 onwards and a deception operation. In the opening stages of the attack, known as "the crossing" (العبور; al-'obour), combat engineers used water cannons to rapidly clear numerous passages through the sand wall lining the east bank of the canal, laid bridges and operated ferries, allowing armor to cross. Egyptian infantry assaulted the Bar-Lev fortifications and were counterattacked by Israeli armor and infantry.

The attack surprised the Israelis, and by 7 October the crossing was complete, and the east bank of the canal was occupied by five Egyptian infantry divisions. The infantry established defensive positions in bridgeheads spanning the 160-kilometre (99 mi) front. Following a lull in the fighting on 7 October, Israeli armor reserves arrived at the front and launched a counterattack opposite the city of Ismailia. The Egyptian forces were successful in employing anti-tank weapons to repel the Israeli armor and advanced once more. By the end of 8 October, Egypt occupied a strip of territory along the entire east bank of the canal to a depth of approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 mi).

In addition to the canal crossing, Egypt laid a successful naval blockade against Israel in the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. The 1973 war is commemorated in a special Egyptian museum, the 6th of October Panorama in Cairo and in Damascus.